Exhibit B
Customer Agreement to
HEEHRA Phase I Program Terms and
Phase I initiative (hereafter referred to as
the “Program”) provides incentives for the
installation of qualifying equipment and
appliances at qualifying customer
(“Customer”) sites. The Customer is
defined as the person or party paying
for the project.
incentives are paid to the installing
contractor (“Participating Trade
Professional”) on the condition that the full
amount of the incentives is provided to the
Customer, or other party designated by the
Customer, to discount project costs. Only
residential Customers in California are
eligible to receive HEEHRA incentives. More
information on the Program is available
at: https://techcleanca.com/incentives/heehrarebates/
Ventures, Inc. dba Energy Solutions (“Energy
Solutions”) is implementing the Program on
behalf of the California
Energy Commission.
By clicking “yes” in the boxes in the acknowledgment section, you, as a prospective Program Customer, are consenting to the Program terms, and are indicating you have read and understand the Program rules and disclosures, set forth below.
California Consumers are not obligated to
purchase any full-fee service or other
service not funded by this program. This
program is funded by the Federal Inflation
Reduction Act, managed by the California
Energy Commission, and administered by Energy
Solutions through a contract with the
California Energy Commission. Any data
related to this program, including any
customer data, will be shared with authorized
entities, including but not limited to,
policymakers, program implementers, and the
program evaluator under confidentiality
protocols. This data will follow the
confidentiality rules and protocols
established by the California Energy
Commission and the State of California.
Section 1)
Program Rules
Risks and Benefits of Participation:
There are no
guaranteed benefits for participating in the
Program. When available, incentives can
significantly reduce upfront costs of
installations of Qualifying Equipment, but
there are no guarantees such installations
will deliver a certain amount of energy
savings. The installation of a heat pump will
impact your utility bill. Customers may see
an increase in their utility bills when
installing a heat pump. Customers who did
not previously have air conditioning but are
now installing a heat pump that provides air
conditioning may have an increased electric
bill. Additional energy savings may be
realized with a variable speed unit, a smart
thermostat, weatherization, improved duct
work, and other installed energy efficiency
measures. Trade Professionals must show
Energy Guide stickers that come with the
Energy Star product to their customer to
ensure they understand potential utility bill
impacts. If the Energy Guide sticker is not
available, the contractor must share estimated
utility bill impacts with their customer in
another way. Neither the California Energy
Commission nor Energy Solutions guarantees
the performance of installed equipment.
Neither the Program, the California Energy
Commission, the State of California, the
Department of Energy, or Energy Solutions
assume any liability for any unpaid
incentives, which may present a risk to the
installing Participating Trade Professional
and you. By signing below, you acknowledge
and accept all risks associated with
participating in the Program.
By clicking “yes” in the boxes in the acknowledgment section, you acknowledge and accept all risks associated with participating in the Program.
Changes to the Program:
Energy Solutions may, in its sole discretion, make changes to the Program at any time, including, without limitation, modifying incentive amounts and adding or removing Qualifying Equipment from the Program. The date of such change(s) will take effect on the earlier of (a) the date the change is posted on the Program website, or (b) the date the Participating Trade Professional receives written notice of such change and will apply to any installations completed on or after the date the change takes effect regardless of the date the incentive is applied for. Written notice will generally be provided via email.
Qualifying Equipment and Eligible Installation: Only
Qualifying Equipment, limited to Energy Star equipment and listed as eligible for HEEHRA Phase I at https://products.switchison.org/heat-pumps/4, is eligible for the receipt of Program incentives. The Program requires that the Qualifying Equipment is installed for a Qualifying Customer only and that the Qualifying Equipment is installed to replace a non-heat pump primary heating source (such as a gas furnace). Replacement of an existing heat pump HVAC is not eligible. Equipment must serve the majority of the heating and cooling load. Equipment installed with new gas furnaces or using fossil fuels for energy or power is not allowed. Dual Fuel heat pumps are not allowed as part of the program. Projects are allowed to keep existing furnaces if the heat pump is sized to handle the home heating load. The existing furnaces must be set to emergency use only, blower only, or fully decommissioned. There is a limit of one heat pump rebate per mailing address. Once the rebate has been applied, the purchased heat pump is no longer eligible for additional Program-sponsored heat pump rebates.
Program Funding: This Program
is funded by the federal Inflation Reduction
Act, managed by the California Energy
Commission, and administered by Energy
Solutions. Both total and segments of Program
incentive funding are subject to certain
limits and may be available on a first-come,
first-served basis until the funding for a
region or the Program is exhausted, or the
Program is terminated.
Cancellation policy, requirements, process, and any applicable fees: There is no
fee for participating in the Program. You
should be aware, however, that if you select
a Participating Trade Professional who is
subsequently terminated from the Program for
any reason, the Participating Trade
Professional may no longer qualify for
incentives and may not pass any discount on
to you, depending on the agreement you make
with your Participating Trade Professional.
None of Energy Solutions, California Energy
Commission, the State of California, or the
Department of Energy are party to the
agreement you make with your Participating
Trade Professional, and you must resolve any
dispute you have with them.
Project Pricing: To receive
the best project pricing, Customers may
obtain quotes from multiple contractors. The
pricing for equipment varies based on the
project scope of work or the size of equipment
being installed. If you are upgrading your
ducts in addition to installing a heat pump
HVAC, project costs may be higher. TECH Clean
California publishes Heat Pump cost data from
TECH participants that show the average
project costs by county, Seasonal Energy
Efficiency Ratio (SEER), and other factors.
This data may not align with your project
based on the scope of work of your project
but can be used to assess quotes and receive
a fair price for your project: https://techcleanca.com/heat-pump-data/heat-pump-data-visuals/.
Affiliations: Installing
Participating Trade Professional and Energy
Solutions or other third parties associated
with the Program are not representatives of
or affiliated with the California Energy
Installation Requirements: The
Qualifying Equipment must be installed by a
registered HEEHRA Phase I approved
contractor. A list of approved contractors
can be found here: https://www.switchison.org/contractor-finder.
The equipment must be installed for your
benefit only.
Participating Trade Professional Agreement with Customer: To be
eligible for incentives the Program
Participating Trade Professional must enter
into an agreement with each Qualifying
Customer that is receiving an incentivized
product (“Customer Agreement”). This Customer
Agreement must include the following: i)
Participating Trade Professional’s company
name and ultimate parent, and ii)
Participating Trade Professional’s customer
service contact information (phone number and
Quality Assurance and Quality Controls Protocols: All
applications for incentives will be subject
to automated and manual protocols designed by
Energy Solutions to determine Program
eligibility and detect fraud. Such
protocols may evaluate equipment and customer
eligibility, confirm an existing heating
system was replaced, and determine if the
installed Qualifying Equipment is in good
working order.
Verification, and Evaluation:
installation of the equipment will be subject to
verification and metering by Energy
Solutions, its representatives, and Program
evaluators, as approved by CEC. Verification,
evaluation (including onsite inspections at
your address), and metering may be performed
on all Qualifying Equipment or a select
portion thereof. Evaluation activities may
include surveys and interviews of contractors
and homeowners/occupants to understand
equipment performance and the Program
Income Qualification and Verification: Customers
must have an income under 150% of the Area
Median Income to qualify for the Program. The
Program has two categories of income
Low-Income Customer – Customer with income
under 80% of the Area Median Income
Moderate-Income Customer – Customer with an
income between 80% and 150% of Area Median
Family Incentives are different for these two
income categories, and incentive budgets are
specific to these income categories as posted
on https://techcleanca.com/incentives/
. All
customers must undergo program-specific
income qualification through the Program
Income Portals. Previous approval of income
verification through the TECH Program will
only convert to HEEHRA Phase I eligibility if
income information was provided within 12
months of the project application and
verified through income documentation.
Previous approval through categorial
eligibility will not be accepted. Eligible
tools can be found at:
Portals will provide connections to
contractors to provide proof of income or
will provide an income verification code that
contractors can submit as part of the
application process. All participating
contractors will be required to provide proof
of income category verification as part of
the rebate claim submission
Incentives: Rebate funds
from the HEEHRA Phase I program may
not be combined with other Federal grants or
rebates, except for tax credits, for the same
single “qualified electrification project”
(equipment plus labor). Projects
receiving HEEHRA Phase I rebates can receive
incentives and rebates from TECH, utility
energy efficiency programs, and other
non-federally funded incentives and rebates
depending on program rules and requirements.
Federal rebates can be used for measures
other than the installation of a heat pump
HVAC system.
Caps: Total
Rebates received from HEEHRA Phase I, TECH
Clean California, or other programs cannot
exceed total project costs. For Moderate
income projects, total HEEHRA Phase I
Incentives cannot exceed more than 50% of
total project costs.
Work Requirements: Contractors
must provide the following services as part
of the Program:
Safety Testing (tested in and out)
Limited Home
Assessments (including mold
HERS testing
and/or Quality Installation
must notify participants of any failed tests.
Contractors must either remedy the situation
as part of their scope of work or refer
customers to other Programs that may be able
to provide remediation costs. These Programs
include the Energy
Savings Assistance (ESA), Weatherization
Assistance Program (WAP) or the Low-Income
Heating Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
More details on these programs can be found on
the TECH Knowledge base under Supplementary
Low-Income Programs.
Any issues
uncovered as part of the HERS test procedure
must be remedied by the participating
contractor given that a successful HERS test
is a required step to close out an HVAC
related permit.
contractors will not be required to provide
proof of previous failure and any associated
remediation. Instead, they will be required
to provide proof of successful test in and
test out.
Falsification of Information and Fraud: Any serious
issues, such as fraud, harassment,
discrimination, security breaches, or
complaints, will be shared with California
Energy Commission immediately.
– including any Participating Trade
Professional or
Customer - involved
with a
will be
temporarily suspended from the program
and , in the
case of a Participating Trade
Professional, removed from
customer facing listings while investigations
occur. If it is determined that fraud did
occur, the participant(s) will be permanently
removed from the program and must, repay
Energy Solutions for any incentives they
fraudulently claimed, Participants may be
subject to other legal action for fraud as
on these terms will be provided in both the
customer terms and conditions and the Trade
Professionals Participation
Warrant disclaimer and liability: Energy
Solutions does not endorse, guarantee, or
warrant any manufacturer, distributor, or
product, nor make any warranties or
guarantees in connection with
the program, any project, or any item or
services performed in connection herewith or
therewith, whether statutory, oral, written,
express, or implied, including, without
limitation, warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose. Energy
Solutions shall
have no responsibility or liability
to the Customer, its agents, or any third
parties in connection with
the program or otherwise. This
disclaimer shall survive any cancellation,
completion, termination, or expiration of the
Customer’s participation in
the program. The Customer
acknowledges and agrees that any warranties
provided by original manufacturers,
licensors, or providers of material,
equipment, or other items provided or used in
connection with the program and in
connection with these terms and conditions,
including items incorporated in
the program (“third-party
warranties”) are not to be considered
warranties of Energy Solutions
and Energy Solutions does
not make any representations,
guarantees, or warranties as to the
applicability or enforceability of any such
third party
In no event
shall a party be liable to another party for
any consequential, incidental, punitive, or
indirect damages including lost profits,
arising from or otherwise in connection with
this participation agreement.
Limitation of Liability: Neither the
California Energy Commission nor Energy
Solutions shall be liable to any consumer for
any claims, damages, or liabilities arising
from or related to any alleged non-compliance
with the foregoing provisions. The Consumer
Bill of Rights is provided solely for
informational purposes and does not create,
confer, or serve as the basis for any
enforceable rights, obligations, or causes of
Section 2)
Consumer Bill of Rights
I. Availability
of Information
have the right to accurate, easily understood
information about the Home Energy Rebate
programs on their state[1] program
website and through a state-managed consumer
hotline or email, including access to
information outlined in this Consumer Bill of
Rights and required by the state’s Consumer
Protection Plan. The State will provide hard
copies of documents related to the Home
Energy Rebate programs as requested by
consumers. The state will provide program
information in an ADA-compliant format and in
Spanish and other languages as
Information on Home Energy Rebates
have the right to accurate, easily understood
information on eligibility and qualifications
for rebates under the Home Energy Rebate
programs and how any available rebates may be
applied to products.
Qualified Contractors
have the right to have work performed by a
contractor from their state’s qualified
contractor list. The qualified contractor
list will be publicly available so consumers
can readily confirm their contractor is on
the list.2
Information on Contractors
have the right to access easily understood
information on how contractors are qualified
by their state and how a contractor can be
disqualified from the Home Energy Rebate
Installation Standards
have the right to assurance that the installation
of any products under the Home Energy Rebate
programs are completed in a quality manner
that complies with local and state laws,
permits, codes, and industry
VI. Energy
Efficient Products
have the right to energy efficient products,
including ENERGY STAR products, if
VII. Impact
on Energy Bills
have the right to accurate, easily understood
information about estimated impacts on their
energy bills from products installed through
the Home Energy Rebate programs, including
how those impacts are calculated.
Financing for Products
financing is not available in the HEEHRA
Phase I funding TECH program.
Confidentiality of Personal Identifiable
have the right to have any financial or other
Personal Identifiable Information that they
provide kept confidential except as necessary
to verify income and administer the Home
Energy Rebate programs.
X. Consumer
Feedback and Complaints
have the right to communicate questions,
concerns, complaints, or other feedback
through a state consumer hotline or email.
Consumers also have the right to a prompt
response to their communication; information
on any corrective actions that will be taken
in response to their communication; and
accurate, easily understood information about
any dispute resolution process.
XI. Renters
who occupy rental properties have the right
to accurate, easily understood information
about any products being installed in their
home by the owner through the Home Energy
Rebate programs. For consumers in low-income
apartments or other low-income rental
properties, their rent cannot be increased
because of the energy improvements installed
except to cover documented increases in
property taxes or operating and maintenance
costs related to the improvements for a
period of two (2) years. In addition, renters
cannot be evicted so the landlord can obtain
higher rent tenants for a period of at least
two (2) years.
Consumer Responsibilities
understand that by participating in a Home
Energy Rebate program, they have reasonable
responsibilities and obligations to cooperate
with Program Administrators, including
potentially: (1) consenting to a home energy
assessment prior to work being done; (2)
consenting to the testing of installed
products during and/or after installation is
complete; (3) consenting to an in-person
photographing of any products after
installation; and (4) providing the state
with access to utility bills upon request.
Consumers also understand that they will
receive a customer satisfaction survey from
the California Energy Commission several
months after installation of any home
improvements or appliances funded through a
Home Energy Rebate program.
[1]: “State”
includes territories and Tribes, as
Section 3)
Privacy Policy
This policy
explains the rights of California residents
regarding the collection, use, sale, and
sharing of their personal information under
the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018
(CCPA), as amended by the California Privacy
Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA). We may update and
make changes to this policy, so we encourage
you to review it periodically.
Key Terms.
It would be helpful to start by explaining
some key terms used in this policy:
We, us,
Alex MacCurdy
– tech.info@energy-solution.com;
information that identifies, relates
to, describes, is reasonably capable of
being associated with, or could
reasonably be linked with a particular
consumer or household.
Personal Information We
Collect About You. In the
preceding 12 months, we have collected the
following categories and specific types of
consumer personal information:
of Personal Information
Types of Personal Information
(e.g., a real name, alias, postal
address, unique personal identifier,
email address, account name, or other
similar identifiers)
address, and email
that identifies, relates to, describes,
or is capable of being associated with,
a particular individual, including, but
not limited to, their name, address,
telephone number, employment, or
employment history.
Name, phone
number, employment history could be
collected depending on the income
verification documentation that is
submitted to the program.
information (e.g., records of personal
property, products or services
purchased, obtained, or considered, or
other purchasing or consuming histories
or tendencies)
information could be collected
depending on the income verification
documentation that is submitted to the
or employment-related information
or employment-related information could
be collected depending on the income
verification documentation that is
submitted to the program.
Personal Information
financial information could be
collected depending on the income
verification documentation that is
submitted to the program if any such
documentation includes the customer’s
social security number (such as tax
returns, pay stubs, W2s, bank
statements, employer statements, social
security statements, and/or
unemployment statements).
How Your Personal
Information is Collected. We
collect most of this personal information
directly from you via our website. However,
we may also collect information from the
following categories of sources:
Third party with your consent (e.g., your
Cookies on our website;
Our IT systems
Why We Use Your Personal
Information. We collect
consumer personal information for the
following business purposes:
To verify income for participation in the
To comply with our legal and regulatory
For the performance of our contract with you
or to take steps at your request before
entering into a contract;
Where you have given consent.
A legitimate
interest is when we have a business or
commercial reason to use your information, so
long as this is not overridden by your own
rights and interests.
The table below
explains what we use (process) your personal
information for and our reasons for doing
What we
use your personal information
To provide
services to you
To collect
necessary information to approve your
rebate application, which includes
income verification
checks to identify our customers and
verify their identity
processing necessary to comply with
professional, legal and regulatory
obligations that apply to our business,
e.g., under health and safety
regulation or rules issued by our
professional regulator
To comply
with our legal and regulatory
Gathering and
providing information required by or
relating to audits, enquiries, or
investigations by regulatory bodies
To comply
with our legal and regulatory
business policies are adhered to, e.g.,
policies covering security and internet
For our
legitimate interests or those of a
third party, i.e., to make sure we are
following our own internal procedures
so we can deliver the best service to
audits and quality checks, e.g., for
accreditations and the audit of our
For our
legitimate interests or a those of a
third party, i.e., to maintain our
accreditations so we can demonstrate we
operate at the highest standards
To comply
with our legal and regulatory
Your Rights Under the
CCPA/CPRA. You have the right
under the California Consumer Privacy Act of
2018 (CCPA), as amended by the California
Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA), and
certain other privacy and data protection
laws, as applicable, to exercise free of
Disclosure of
Personal Information We Collect About
You have the
right to know, and request disclosure
• The
categories of personal information we
have collected about you, including
sensitive personal information;
• The
categories of sources from which the
personal information is collected;
• Our
business or commercial purpose for
collecting, selling, or sharing
personal information;
• The
categories of third parties to whom we
disclose personal information, if any;
• The
specific pieces of personal information
we have collected about you.
Please note
that we are not required to:
• Retain any
personal information about you that was
collected for a single one-time
transaction if, in the ordinary course
of business, that information about you
is not retained;
• Reidentify
or otherwise link any data that, in the
ordinary course of business, is not
maintained in a manner that would be
considered personal information; or
• Provide the
personal information to you more than
twice in a 12-month period.
Disclosure of
Personal Information Sold, Shared, or
Disclosed for a Business Purpose
In connection
with any personal information we may
sell, share, or disclose to a third
party for a business purpose, you have
the right to know:
• The
categories of personal information
about you that we sold or shared and
the categories of third parties to whom
the personal information was sold or
shared; and
• The
categories of personal information that
we disclosed about you for a business
purpose and the categories of persons
to whom the personal information was
disclosed for a business purpose.
You have the
right to opt-out of the sale of your
personal information or sharing of your
personal information for targeted
behavioral advertising. If you exercise
your right to opt-out of the sale or
sharing of your personal information,
we will refrain from selling or sharing
your personal information, unless you
subsequently provide express
authorization for the sale or sharing
of your personal information.
To opt-out
of the sale or sharing of your personal
information, please email
, or call our toll-free number at
Right to
Limit Use of Sensitive Personal
You have the
right to limit the use and disclosure
of your sensitive personal information
to the use which is necessary to:
Perform the
services or provide the goods
reasonably expected by an average
consumer who requests those goods or
To perform
the following services: (1) Helping to
ensure security and integrity to the
extent the use of the consumer’s
personal information is reasonably
necessary and proportionate for these
purposes; (2) Short-term, transient
use, including, but not limited to,
non-personalized advertising shown as
part of a consumer’s current
interaction with the business, if the
consumer’s personal information is not
disclosed to another third party and is
not used to build a profile about the
consumer or otherwise alter the
consumer’s experience outside the
current interaction with the business;
(3) Performing services on behalf of
the business, including maintaining or
servicing accounts, providing customer
service, processing or fulfilling
orders and transactions, verifying
customer information, processing
payments, providing financing,
providing analytic services, providing
storage, or providing similar services
on behalf of the business; and (4)
Undertaking activities to verify or
maintain the quality or safety of a
service or device that is owned,
manufactured, manufactured for, or
controlled by the business, and to
improve, upgrade, or enhance the
service or device that is owned,
manufactured, manufactured for, or
controlled by the business; and
As authorized by further
You have a
right to know if your sensitive
personal information may be used, or
disclosed to a service provider or
contractor, for additional, specified
To limit
the use of your sensitive personal
information, please email
or call our toll-free number at
Right to
Subject to
certain exceptions set out below, on
receipt of a verifiable request from
you, we will:
• Delete your
personal information from our records;
• Direct any
service providers or contractors to
delete your personal information from
their records.
• Direct
third parties to whom the business has
sold or shared your personal
information to delete your personal
information unless this proves
impossible or involves disproportionate
Please note
that we may not delete your personal
information if it is reasonably
necessary to:
• Complete
the transaction for which the personal
information was collected, fulfill the
terms of a written warranty or product
recall conducted in accordance with
federal law, provide a good or service
requested by you, or reasonably
anticipated within the context of our
ongoing business relationship with you,
or otherwise perform a contract between
you and us;
• Help to
ensure security and integrity to the
extent the use of the consumer’s
personal information is reasonably
necessary and proportionate for those
• Debug to
identify and repair errors that impair
existing intended functionality;
• Exercise
free speech, ensure the right of
another consumer to exercise their
right of free speech, or exercise
another right provided for by law;
• Comply with
the California Electronic
Communications Privacy Act;
• Engage in
public or peer-reviewed scientific,
historical, or statistical research in
the public interest that adheres to all
other applicable ethics and privacy
laws, when our deletion of the
information is likely to render
impossible or seriously impair the
achievement of such research, provided
we have obtained your informed
• Enable
solely internal uses that are
reasonably aligned with your
expectations based on your relationship
with us;
• Comply with
an existing legal obligation; or
• Otherwise
use your personal information,
internally, in a lawful manner that is
compatible with the context in which
you provided the information.
Right of
If we
maintain inaccurate personal
information about you, you have the
right to request us to correct that
inaccurate personal information. Upon
receipt of a verifiable request from
you, we will use commercially
reasonable efforts to correct the
inaccurate personal information.
Against Retaliation
You have the
right to not be retaliated against by
us because you exercised any of your
rights under the CCPA/CPRA. This means
we cannot, among other things:
• Deny goods
or services to you;
• Charge
different prices or rates for goods or
services, including through the use of
discounts or other benefits or imposing
• Provide a
different level or quality of goods or
services to you; or
• Suggest
that you will receive a different price
or rate for goods or services or a
different level or quality of goods or
Please note
that we may charge a different price or
rate or provide a different level or
quality of services to you, if that
difference is reasonably related to the
value provided to our business by your
personal information. We may also offer
loyalty, rewards, premium features,
discounts, or club card programs
consistent with these rights or
payments as compensation, for the
collection of personal information, the
sale of personal information, or the
retention of personal information.
How to Exercise Your
Rights. If you would like to
exercise any of your rights as described in
this Privacy Policy, you can do so by
emailing privacy@energy-solution.com. You may
also call us at 888-560-2422.
Please note that
you may only make a CCPA/CPRA-related data
access or data portability disclosure request
twice within a 12-month period.
If you choose to
contact us directly by email or via phone,
you will need to provide us with:
Enough information to identify you (i.e.,
your full name, address, and customer or
matter reference number);
Proof of your identity and address (i.e., a
copy of your driving license or passport and
a recent utility or credit card bill);
A description of what right you want to exercise and the information to which your request relates.
We are not
obligated to make a data access or data
portability disclosure if we cannot verify
that the person making the request is the
person about whom we collected information or
is someone authorized to act on such person’s
Any personal
information we collect from you to verify
your identity in connection with your request
will be used solely for the purposes of